Tuesday, July 27, 2010

All in one

Caroma's new dual-flush Profile Smart high-efficiency toilet drains the sink water right into the toilet tank, all ready for the next flush. Profile Smart saves water by allowing the same water to be used for two purposes. Fresh water is used for hand washing then flows into the bowl to flush the toilet.
It uses 1.28/0.8 gallons of water per flush. Dual flush has two buttons for half flush and full flush. Half flush uses 0.8 gallons and full flush uses 1.28 gallons of water per flush.
This toilet is approved by WaterSense. WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Toilets are certified by independent laboratory testing for water efficiency and flush performance. To be WaterSense-approved, the toilet must flush a minimum of 350 grams of water and have a non-adjustable valve.
The Profile Smart is the winner of the 2008 Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award. The product can be purchased through Alterna corporation or Sustainable Solutions.

Product brochure can be found at:

Technical data sheet:

More information available at:


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