Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wiremold - Legrand

The Convia-enabled Wiremold system is an integrated energy management solution conceived to be flexible, adaptable and intelligent. It begins with Convia, a technology platform that allows for the integrated control and monitoring of plug load, lighting, and thermostat set points. Convia technology coupled with Walkerflex® flexible wiring from Wiremold/Legrand means systems can be deployed, reconfigured, expanded, or pared down at will. But the true genius of the system’s offering is in its ease of implementation. The distributed nature of Convia means no centralized and complicated lighting panels. System additions and subtractions can be done on a daily basis if you should desire it.

In contrast to other systems which provide estimates and averages of energy use, Wiremold/Convia provides actual power consumption by zone. It compares actual usage vs. different energy baselines and identifies the zones that are consuming more than expected power. This data allows facility managers to aggressively manage energy and constantly identify trouble spots as well as easily set and meet energy reduction targets.
* The system can reduce energy consumption by up to 30% vs. the stringent ASHRAE 2004 standard.
* The average building can save more than 50% on lighting and plug load alone.
* Changing HVAC set points throughout the day, or in unoccupied areas, can also save 10-15% on HVAC.
* Savings is also realized by classifying the system as equipment rather than realty property, therefore saving tens of thousands in life cycle costs through an accelerated depreciation schedule.

In addition, specifying the Convia-enabled Wiremold system in new construction can contribute as many as 23 points toward USGBC LEED CI certification.

You can play the demo and see how Wiremold works.

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